Josep Arús-Pous

Hi! I'm Josep Arús-Pous
a 35 years old
that loves
and nerdiness in general.

I studied Computer Engineering
at the UPC,
a MSc. in Bioinformatics
at the UPF,
and a Ph.D.
in Deep Learning
applied to Drug Discovery
at the University of Bern.

I now work as a
Scientist & Data Architect
in Roche - Basel.
Specifically, I'm in pRED informatics
working on deep learning solutions applied to a wide array of biomedical problems.

In the past,
I did an industrial PhD
in Chemoinformatics
divided between
the Reymond Group at the University of Bern
in Switzerland
and AstraZeneca in Göteborg, Sweden.

You can find me on
Google Scholar
or send me an email to